Monday, August 29, 2011


Finally we got the kids from the airport!!! After being told only Dave could go get them at the gate... (which EVERYTIME even when I was just his girlfriend I was allowed to go get them with him, we figured the lady was having a bad day already, kinda made me mad but, I waited for them on the other side of security) anyways....we always have so much fun when they are here! Natalie saw her room for the first time and Ethan and Pookey are like best friends now! It was so cute, Ethan had Pookey's rope toy and was running her around the house with it (I tried to get a video of it but couldn't find my phone and by the time I found my camera that doesn't have a sound, the moment had passed). We then ate some lunch and took the dog for a nice walk to the dog park and then home. Dave mowed the lawn
while I got the art project set up....It was a mess but they had a blast! We even got Pookey to help with it! Here are some pictures of our fun...

when they were all done we cleaned the floor and all our limbs and let it sit on the floor to dry (I hung it up today in our hallway) and WE LOVE IT!! People pay money for this kind of stuff! Good job!!
After painting we took a little break, Ethan played some video games, Dave took a little nap and Natalie and I made a cake. A little while late Dave found out he's a great pancake maker and we made breakfast for dinner complete with pancakes, eggs, and bacon! After dinner the kids got their jams on, played with Pookey for a little while...
And then we went to see Zookeeper at the post movie theater (they are only open friday and sat night for one movie per showing, it only cost us that night $4.50! Dave and I has movie passes from a broken movie last week and the kids only are like $2.25. normally adult are $4.50). Ethan wasn't thrilled with it and couldn't sit still but I think Natalie enjoyed it. The first half was super funny! But the last half needed some work...We'll prob see it again as a rental. We went home and went right to bed for a 4:30 wake up call! Here's our yummy breakfast (the cake Natalie and I made since we couldn't eat it the night before and I cut up some apples for the road...who really wants to eat that early? But the kids begged for cake!)
we realized it was on video instead of picture...its super cute remember this is 4:45 in the morning!

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