Saturday, December 19, 2009

I thank Heavenly Father daily for my blessings

The Lord is on our side!
I am in Young Woman's in my ward and I absolutely love my Mia maids! They are like little sisters I've never had and are so fun and filled with the spirit! I often get them to come over during the week to just hang out and talk or go shopping or whatever.I went to temple square and decided to invite some of them. I am so glad we did! We had so much fun!Giggles, pressing buttons in the elevator at the Joseph Smith building, watching the Joseph smith movie, tears, good food, watching the live nativity, being freezing etc! It was so great to see how the spirit touched them during the movie. One thing I did notice though was that one of them didn't have a coat, she had a light sweatshirt zip up on. I asked her where her coat was. She told me she doesn't have one and can't afford one. So I immediately  felt very strongly that I needed to do something to get her one.Thinking about the money situation and how Heavenly Father has blessed us with what we NEED the past 6 months I figured, well I'll find a coat for her that we can afford and that she can be warm in and He will bless us with the money we need for it. I took her shopping a few days later just to finish up some christmas shopping for my family. My friend Jolene needed to go to Walmart so we went along with her. We walked into the store and the first thing I see is a sign that says $7. Guess what was under the $7 sign? A bunch of way cute down coats! It was as if a beacon of light was shining over it. Even better she went up to them and said these are so cute! I said a prayer in my heart thanking Heavenly Father for this small blessing and making it possible to afford a coat for her. I told her to pick the one she likes the most and I'll get it for her. She was way excited and said thank you. She put it on the moment we stepped outside and said I'm not cold! This small experience has made my Christmas season! Just to see her beautiful smile and know that she can go outside and not freeze. Heavenly Father is here for us. He is watching and he knows when good is coming out of our choices, and he will help when it is needed we just need to have faith in Him that He WILL help us when we need it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


woo hoo!!! So so many prayers and Lance and Jeff finally got a home tender AND a house!!! That is great news! That means that my husbands dreams of starting his own business are coming to an a great way because he is living it! I am so proud of him! He has worked so hard ( an he still has a long way to go...still trying to get houses and tenders) to be where he is today with his venture management business. I am so greatful for the blessings my life has in it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I stand all amazed

"I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, Confused at the grace that so fully he offers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified, that for me a sinner he suffered he bled and died. 

Oh It is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me! Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me.

I marvel that he should descend  from his throne divine to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine, that he should extend his great love unto such as I, sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify.

Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me! Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me.

I think of his hands pierced and bleeding to pay that debt! Such mercy, such love, and devotion can I forget? No, No I will praise and adore at the mercy seat, Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet.

oh it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me! Oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me!"

This song literally scoops me up with emotion! I love it! I was listening to it the other day and I just started crying in my room. I just had to write about it. This song talks about the love Jesus offers us, he did take upon him all our sins and heartbreak and any sad, mean, and angry feeling we (all of us) ever had and have. He is such an amazing man. And then went and carried a huge timber through the streets after he was mocked, whipped, and had to wear a crown of thorns just because he loves us. Then proceeded to carry the beam that he would be nailed to up onto the hill he would die.  I think about this great man with the most respect and gratitude...."forgive them for then no not what they do." I love him! He is truly the example we need to look up to and be like...perfect...healing the sick, and feeding the hungry, and teaching the children. Never a mean word coming out of his mouth. He loves us. Every time I hear that song I literally look back and am really amazed at what one man...Heavenly Father's son did for us, the example he set and the impact it has on our lives.  He is a great man!

On a lighter note...speaking of being brother is serving a mission in Resistensia, Argentina. He is a great missionary and I am so proud of him. He is doing the Lord's work and teaching about the gospel. He is telling personal stories of his faith as well as historical. He knows he is out there serving the Lord and blessing many lives of the people. I know these are the best two years of his life. He is growing a strong testimony of how Satan works on people and how Heavenly Father is there for you always. He is learning to love people with different cultures, beliefs, and habits. He is teaching what is true and helping people know that is. I just recived a letter from him yesterday and he amazes me more and more. He is growing up and I can't wait for him to come home. There were some things in his letter that just made tears streak down my face. He said that it is very rare to find a family there that are married let alone sealed in the temple. In almost every household the parents are not married and they have children and grandchildren. I could not imagine life with out knowing there is something after it and I get to go there if I continue to have faith and endure to the end, following the prophets council and the commandments. I know I will get to be there with my family and my husband and children and Heavenly Father and Jesus will be there. I can't imagine how people go through their lives not knowing what happens after we die...just thinking "ok thats it, we will never seen them again" I mean how terrible would that be to know you would not have your husband, your eternal mate, with you in the life to come? I knew temple marriage is important before my brother wrote to me...but having him tell me that I set an example for him and that he is teaching by that example means the world and more to me. I love my little brother so much and I am so glad I could show him the way and be that example he needs. He is truely amazing. Just thought I would share some of my thoughts. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So we decided that since I had a few days off we would come visit my parents in Washington. I love it here especially when we bring awesome weather. So we also brought our porkie and so we've been outside a lot while we have been here playing with the dogs. We went to snoqualmie falls today. We really enjoyed being out in the fresh air! And took pictures... Once I find out how to add pics on here I will put some up. Tomorrow we may go sailing... I would love to!! But well see what my dad says...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Mobile Blogging from here.

So today was terrible! I had this huge migrain all day and I got home and went to bed... Ya bed.. At 330! Sad huh? Well I woke up at 6 and it was still there! What a pain! Head aches suck but mugrains... I mean you can't even open your eyes without almost falling over with dizziness or crying cause the light like sucks your brains out! Why in the world do we get them? I mean what did I do today for my body to say " ya know what? You get to have a migrain today hahaha" how sad! Oh and also I got blogger for my iPhone so hopefully this works... Goodnight all!