Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just one little post (before I post about our two week vaca later)

I just wanted to shout out to my husband and let him...and all of you who read this know how EXTREMELY grateful I am for him. He is the sunshine in my life and I don't know what I would do without him. He is the most loving man I know and he will ALWAYS be my number one. It was so much fun to show him all around my childhood town and have him spend time bonding with my family and I his. It was fun to walk across the golden gate bridge with his hand in mine for the very first time. He is such an inspiration to me, especially since we are trying to live more healthy (well working out wise...I can't always control the soda intake but I do what I can where I can) he always pushes me to work out at our gym, not by telling me to go but by the example of him going make me want to go. He is always smiling at me like the very first day we met. He always reminds me to pray. No matter what we are doing he always takes the time to tell me he loves me and that I am important to him. I love him so much and I am so thankful for him in my life.. I mean how could I not LOVE that face!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

This is very sweet. :) Matt always reminds me to pray too. Well...more like makes fun of me when I don't, but it's a reminder of sorts!