so its been a little while since I've been on here. Last time I was on here I wrote about my little down syndrome client that took off...well since then I decided I need to do something to loose some weight and get into shape. So I started the six week body make over with a few of my friends. Its been pretty great with weekly weigh ins and measurements. All together I have been on it for 3 weeks now and I have lost 12.5 inches everywhere and only 5.3 lbs which is fine...I think that if I was to really strap down and get my work out on then it would be more but I have a way hard time coming home from work, where I've already spent all day lifting and stacking heavy boxes, and I'm tired, getting myself to work out. I really need to though. So my diet consists of smaller portions 5 times a day (protein and carb and either veggie or fruit). Its been hard keeping up with making my food ahead of time so I am ready for the next day and also the bland chicken and turkey I get to eat...it just gets old. Luckly I am allowed a cheat night were I get to eat whatever dinner I want just in a small portion. So say I wanted to have pizza for dinner one night instead of eating my usual 4 pieces I might eat one or 2 instead. I went on a double date with our friends Janee and Rick (they are so great!). We went out to Terra Mia. Its itallian and I got a pesto pasta, which was delicious by the way, and I broke my no soda rule and got a diet coke. It was so good! Then we both went home and got on xbox live and played halo reach with each other. Fun Times with good friends!!
Also I went to a meeting I had with the bishop about two weeks ago today and he gave me the sad news that I am getting a new calling...which also means I am out of YWs. Well those of you who know me...those girls mean the whole world to me! I love them so much! So I did the right thing and accepted my new calling (which I don't get to say until I am offically released). So I've been heart broken for the last couple weeks, pretty quiet about it, and I get to church today and they forget to release me...I got confused and wasn't sure if I was to go to YW's or to RS so I just went home. Before we left I told the bishopric that they had forgotten to release me.
GENERAL CONFERENCE was amazing!! It touched me about how all the talks talked aobut how we need to have a strong testimony and Faith in our Prophet that they will never lead us in the wrong direction. All the talks were so wonderful! I love conf weekend!

1 comment:
good for you on losing weight! i am trying that right now. running for 5 days now and trying to eat healthier and smaller portions. we'll see how long i last. lol
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