Wednesday, October 19, 2011

adventures around our town

So we had the kids for about 4 days this last weekend and LOVED it! We went exploring....A few days before they came we took the motorcycle out to the skull valley road (we've never been that way) And really wanted to stop and see some sights BUT 1. we were basically out of gas 2. we were on the motorcycle and couldn't go on gravel roads 3. very dark clouds were among us, so we came back with the kids a few days later. I don't think they enjoyed it as much as we did. There were millions of mosquitoes and most of them were sworming Dave....but Dave and I still wanted to see the sights so we walked around a bit and took in a bit of history....ready, set.......GO!
 This is the place the Tongans came after Joseph Fielding Smith converted them to the gospel. It is mainly just a cemetery (way sad some of the stones) and a big outdoor meeting place, we haven't discovered where they used to live.... It might be over the hill or something if anything is left of it..... but it was amazing...this is right down the way from our town.

 This is down the road a bit. It's called Horseshoe Springs. It was SO beautiful there! I want to go back when there aren't as many mosquitoes!

I had a dream about some of my friends and family...kinda cool...

Alistair, Megan, Tara, Amanda, amber, and my cousin Lauren all came to visit 
me in Dugway as well as my family (mom dad and James). I had no idea because I was 
sleeping so deeply (in my dream). Lauren and Alistair came in my room while I was 
asleep and rearranged my room. I woke up and started to freak out 
because I thought someone had been in my house stealing stuff. I went 
out to the kitchen and they were all gathered around eating breakfast. 
They told me to hurry and get ready, we were all going to go 
out to dinner in slc (the husbands were in slc already hanging out). we left and I realized I had forgotten my pass to get back into Dugway so it took super long to 
go back and get it because they had to make sure I live there and 
everything. Then we were on our way to the Sky Box in slc. After we 
ate we ended up in India (all of us) and we were sitting in this 
boat/car watching a parade go down the street. I kissed Dave a lot. :-)
Alistair bought this HUGE carmel thing and shared it with me and then  I
gave some to my mom. When I was going to give it back it fell in the 
street. I jumped out and got it and gave it back. I asked her were I 
got it so i could get her another one and she said she has no idea. 
All the sudden we were in the ocean in our boat/car, our tour guide was 
going super fast and we were going towards the fireworks but passing 
things like volcanoes along the way (the whole time we were in India 
it was night) and then we stopped and watched the fireworks. Then I 
woke up.

Since we've  got a bed now it seems I sleep way better and have been having some of these interesting dreams. I guess I just miss the people in them so I have to dream about them to see them....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

girls only.....just warning you now....

I found this and thought it was good enough to post, amen!


During a Period

  • Uterus: I hope you didn't like your underwear.
  • Stomach: EAT ALL THE THINGS!
  • Emotions: I don't care that you were crying your eyes out ten minutes ago, that was freaking funny! Now go act like you're high until I see something that pisses me off.
  • Uterus: Also I've decided to act like something's constantly punching me. I hope you don't mind.
  • Thighs: I'm just gonna go ahead and feel like I'm made of lead, cool?
  • Body: Oh all your clothes are going to look like crap and probably not fit.
  • Me: Why??????

Monday, October 3, 2011

Halloween decorations with the kids

So I needed to figure out what to do with the kids this weekend. I wanted to do something easy with little mess since our last art project got EVERYWHERE. I am still finding finger paint on the walls :-/  I found this spider egg thing that I thought would be cheap and easy... and stupidly I also thought it wouldn't be very messy....well it was cheap with glue, cheesecloth, balloons, and the spiders it only was about $8. We did forget to get the fishing line when we went to Tooele. Dugway doesn't have things like that. So we used yarn to tie the spiders on and hang it up. But it WAS SUPER messy! Here is our cute project!

It took FOREVER to dry so I ended up finishing it Monday afternoon after the kids had left to go back to school. It turned out way cute!
Also so my mom said we could also make ghosts out of glue and cheesecloth. I really wanted to try it! She said flour and water would make good glue but I looked it up and decided just to do it with watered down Elmer's glue. It ended up working very well. so I made some ghost too (at this point the kids got bored and were off playing with Pookey). I used some gems I had for eyes.

Also for breakfast we made cinnamon roll pancakes which were super yummy but I had three and should have only had one, and ended up with a tummy ache (I forgot to take pictures of them o-well).
Later we went to the dog park and also decorated night shirts (they LOVED that!! It took them about an hour and a half maybe more..) Here's some more pictures!

fun weekend!