Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So this weekend we basically dedicate to the Stanton Jones' family.... They are so wonderful and providing us with a stay at the homestead as well as their own home, lunch at Fanny's, and some amazing Italian (not joking Stanton has gone all out) food outdoor restaurant style. We absolutely LOVE them! We definitely had a much needed break this weekend, thank you SO much Stanton and family! Also before all of the activities we got to go to our niece's baptism...I didn't take too many pictures there because I totally spaced it that I had my camera until we were about to leave....take a look!
on our way to the baptism
 this is one of my nephews Benjamin

this is his oldest sister Amber
 And that was it for the baptism...was was fun for all the cousins to get together and also for mom and dad to come up! We always really enjoy seeing everyone (we missed Matt, Morgan, and brand new little baby Ava)
Also in between the baptism and the Homestead we had lunch with my best friend Lindsay and her husband (also failed to take pictures) we love them!
 that was a goofy picture lets try another one :-)
 lunch at Fanny's at the homestead

 the bee we found dead on our car!
now for the CRATER!!!!! it was SO cool!

 We laughed when we saw this sign in the showers
my camera doesn't have sound but it was so amazing! It felt like we were in the Caribbean and the water was like 90 degrees!
Here is our adventure to the top...we both about died, those stairs are steeper than they look!

We absolutely LOVED the homestead! And WILL be back!
Now to Stanton and Nancy's we go!

 Their cute little restaurant in the backyard!
 I really wasn't joking when I said my uncle went all out! (homemade PIZZA)
 And Nancy the great dough thrower...well...she's working on it ;-)

And to top of the yummy dinner we had all sorts of treats but the main one was the famous grandma Georgene's chocolate cake! MMMMM!!!!

oh and Connor figuring out how long his grandpa's hair is....
Was such a fun weekend. I should mention also that late Friday night we planned on going to bed around 11:00. Well all our toilets as well as tubs were backed up and filling up with water and debris. We didn't get it so we tried to unclog things and ended up calling the emergency line here and a guy came out at 12:30. It wasn't fixed by 2:00am and they said they would get it fixed in the morning when it was light. So we gave our neighbor a key in the morning and hoped for the best! We were SO tired but SO grateful we had such great people help us out this weekend! We also, with the help of Dave's brother Jon and sweet wife Kamarie, got to bring some more furniture out here!  Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Keep It Up Body Makeovers!!! said...

wow sounds like a FANTASTIC weekend! i miss you guys tons! where was your adventure this weekend at?