Monday, September 13, 2010


Life rocks! I'm finally having an okay time at my work...people are for the most part getting along...well maybe not the clients, since I did get attacked today, but it seems to be going at least okay. I got to go for a sprint of my clients decided he was just going to up and leave, not tell anyone and just go on his marry ol' way, a walk run some people might have called it. When another staff and I were being screamed at by another client that this client had left we immediatly got up in panic and went to search for him. Here we are being told by random people in trucks which way my client went. Jogging, in the hot heat of the mid afternoon, (mind you I haven't jogged really ever, except maybe a couple days in my life) sweat dripping from my head, (sick I know) and I see this picture of a handicapped boy shuffling his little feet trying not to step off the yellow lines and being followed by this very nice big deal...
I couldn't help but laugh and I was trying to breathe and not faint. I finally get to him and my client decides he's not going to stop, and doesn't care that both him and I are completely gasping for air, he's got his movie in one hand and he is still in I'm going for a walk mode. I grab his arm, to redirect him, he shoves me out of the way and laughs. Well that went good...way to make a complete fool out of yourself Ashley! I start yelling for my co-worker to step up her walk to a run, and hurry up. She finally gets to us and no big deal she grabs hold of his arm and he turns around, that easy! COME ON!! Now he is laughing and totally out of breathe, ya know that little evil laugh kids do when they did something they know they are in trouble about but they don't really care, the one that just makes ya fume? Anyways the three of us briskfully start walking back to our building and we are all the sudden getting honked at. Im thinking "lady! don't mess with me right now! dont' you see I have a handicapped man on my arm and my face is beat red dripping with sweat?" I turn around and I look at the lady in the car and its no one I know and it didn't even seem like she honked, so I keep walking trying to get my client back to the workshop, they honk again and I'm like seriously people?! I turn around and it is my dear friend from work, she rolled down the window and says GET IN! So I laugh it off still trying to breathe, after telling ourclient how naughty he is and being laughed at, she takes us back to work. GOOD TIMES!! haha Life Rocks!
imagine this but...the boy is about 28, chubbier, and waddling a little more then running...

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