Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

This Halloween we planned to babysit at the Juniors haunted house, well they didn't get their act together in time so the haunted house got canceled. Which was fine, however I already made both of our costumes and they were AWESOME!!! Fire and clothes you don't care about is SO fun!! Dave had to dress up anyway for school ( he got to read Sleepy Hollow in the school's assembly) and I was sort of bummed that I couldn't wear mine). I did his makeup and he was a huge hit! I started to wrap my brain around the fact that I just wasn't going to dress up this year, but then realized I really just wanted a picture (and sort of wanted to do something more gory this Halloween, since I have never done gory before), so I decided I would dress up just for a picture with Dave. We actually really enjoyed ourselves. I think I did a pretty good job, considering I've never made a costume, or done zombie make up before.... We went over to our friends house and had some yummy dinner and played a game. We had a blast and Dave won almost every single round (which really isn't TOO surprising)! We took all the makeup off before we went since we were told no one was going to be wearing their costumes and Dave wanted to go running. Hear are some shots of us...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Temple Square date....finally!!!

So since Dave and I have been super busy with school starting and getting his classroom organized we decided we needed a break. We thought we would go to temple square...on friday (since there was a misunderstanding with the kids coming) but then we realized the kids WERE coming that night. So we thought we would just let Natalie watch Ethan Sat night and go then. That didn't work out so we planned it again for Sunday night after we dropped the kids off. Something came up and we decided not to do it then either. Since we couldn't do it Tuesday night since it was back to school night we said, okay for sure we will go Wednesday for sure. Wednesday came and we FINALLY went!!! We really had a fun time walking around. It was gorgeous outside and we always love to be there. It is so peaceful inside temple square. We took a few pictures and satin front of the temple for a little while before we took our next journey. Dave is such a great man and I am so excited to go and be sealed to him in the temple soon! It has been our number one goal since we got married over a year ago now, and now we are SO close! We are super excited! Here are some pictures of our date!

Monday, July 23, 2012

continued WASHINGTON!

here are some more of our adventures on our trip!
 I had to take a picture or two of the house...cause who knows if I'll ever see it again :-(


 Snoqualmie Falls
The woodland Park ZOO!!!
 Elephants are my favorite!!!

 did I say I LOVE elephants?!

 the kids wanted to swim so we went to grandpa callaghan's and swam in his pool in the FREEZING water, the kids had a blast. Nancy was so sweet to let us take a "hot tub" in the bath. Then we spent a little time with grandpa and Nancy chatting.

and yes Dave and I ARE wearing transformers shirts...